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The Funding


The Vineyard Group invests in and structures two primary processes for funding through an Alternative Public Offering (APO) -  The Reverse Merger or the Self-Registration (Organic).



In a Reverse Merger, your company merges with our publicly listed shell company

whereby your shareholders become the majority and controlling shareholders of the publicly held company. Prior to or concurrent with the completion of the Merger, The Vineyard Group completes a Private Placement of Capital (PIPE) to meet your funding needs.


In an Organic APO, The Vineyard Group will invest in and create your newly listed public company through an S-1 registration with the SEC.   Following the creation of the public company, the Vineyard Group completes a private placement of capital (PIPE) to meet your funding needs.

To Start 

Company Seeking Funding

Vineyard Group

Action Steps    


  1. VG Meets with founders to assess the        company's needs and potential as a public company. 


   2. VG evaluates the company's market position,         competition and growth strategy.


​   3.  VG will work with you to refine and determine           your financial forecasts.


   4. VG will provide preliminary assessment on               the best APO route to take.



Phase 1 -  Reverse Merger - Agreements

Agreements Required



                                Action Steps


  1. VG provides Proposal to Partner (PrivateCo) for funding plan

  2. VG and Partner sign Letter of Intent

  3. VG Identifies and vets Public Company Shell for Acquisition by VG

  4. VG and Partner sign Exclusive Advisory Agreement

  5. VG and Partner prepare Merger Documents

  6. VG acquires 90%+ shares of Public Company (PublicCo)




(The Technology Company)

Public Company

Phase 2 - Reverse Merger - PIPE

New Public Entity
(Technology Company)


Vineyard Group

                           Action Steps


  1. VG funds Merger, Audit and Other Expenses

  2. VG prepares Form 8-K SEC filing and all other filings

  3. VG introduces Private Placement  (PIPE) Investors

  4. VG executes PublicCo and PrivateCo Merger

  5. VG completes PIPE Documentation and Offering

  6. VG receives success-based shares in newly combined entity 


Private Company

Phase 3 -  Reverse Merger - Public Market Growth

                           Action Steps


  1. VG creates investor relations/PR program

  2. VG introduces Partner to public investors and market makers

  3. VG handles all SEC filings and all on-going listing requirements

  4. VG prepares Partner for up-listing to new exchanges

  5. VG introduces Partner to new exchanges and executes up-listings



Listing: OTCQB

Phase 1 - Organic Process - Agreements

                                Action Steps


  1. VG provides Proposal to Partner (PrivateCo) for funding plan.

  2. VG and Partner sign Letter of Intent

  3. VG and PrivateCo complete small private placement if required to meet minimum shareholder threshold.

  4. VG and Partner sign Exclusive Advisory Agreement.

  5. VG  funds and prepares S-1 document.

  6. VG funds and prepares audit.

  7. VG funds and prepares listing documents.



Vineyard Group

(The Technology Company)

50 Investors

Phase 2 - Organic Process - PIPE

New Public Entity
(Technology Company)


Public Market

                                Action Steps


  1. VG completes S-1.

  2. VG completes listing on OTCQB.

  3. VG completes PIPE documentation and transaction.

  4. VG introduces Partner to public investors and market makers.

  5. VG receives success-based shares in the new public entity. 


Phase 3 -  Organic Process - Public Market Growth

                                Action Steps


  1. VG creates investor relations/PR program

  2. VG introduces Partner to public investors and market makers

  3. VG handles all SEC filings and all on-going listing requirements

  4. VG prepares Partner for up-listing to new exchanges

  5. VG introduces Partner to new exchanges and executes up-listings



Listing: OTCQB

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